Want a business AND a life that you love?
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More Results. More Revenue. More Freedom.
Become a DEFY'er and get the proven freedom model to increase your revenue in your business while decreasing the stress and burnout in your life.

Take back YOUR time
Create boundaries and clarity in your calendar so that you are actually moving the needle on your goals.
Find that time that you have been missing with your children, spouse, or loved one and start using it.
Utilize your new found time to finally implement all the new information gathered from business coaches, webinars, and conferences.

Take your business to the NEXT level
Break through the current ceiling you have found yourself hitting. Whether this is going from 6 figures to 7 or scaling and hiring.
Delete your email inbox to-list mentality.
Accomplish the task items you have on your list and move forward.

Find your FREEDOM
Take that business or company that you started and learn how to make it work for you and develop financial and personal freedom.
Learn how to make a difference and give back to the community.
Determine who you are and all that you want to be and be that!

I help the high achievers get the most out of their life and business.
I’ve been in your shoes. I have struggled with feeling so overwhelmed that I didn’t want to even human anymore. I thought, “how does everyone else do it and make it look so simple, so elegant, so enjoyable?” and then, it hit me (like a 165 lb. service animal named Guinness). Maybe the key to having more was not doing more. Maybe, just maybe, the key was to DEFY (see what I did there?) the socially accepted business norms and have more by doing less. Defying expectations and still getting amazing results.
I worked for months and invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on my own coaching and professional development and what I came out with was my own unique toolbox that allowed me to have more, do less, and feel successful AND free. What I did next though is what you really might care about.
I took all that I learned, all the tools, all the concepts, all the things my coaches and my degrees gave me and I practiced and refined them into something pretty special. That something is this course that you are about to take part in. This course, written by me, experienced by me, and introduced to others is life changing!
Take this from a person who used to justify missing bedtime stories to squeeze in one more client or sales call.
These days, barely a night passes without epic Disney tunes being belted from my kid's room while I do my best little mermaid impressions and guilt is replaced by giggles.
I am not the only individual that has benefitted from DEFY. In fact, I hoped that since DEFY changed my life and allowed me to defy my own expectations that it would be possible for others. Could I share years worth of my own growth and development in a way that in 6 months people would have massive results? The answer is yes!
I did not create this proven process just for me.
Since offering DEFY to people just like you, participants have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of additional revenue while reducing their work hours by an average of 30% (or more!), and still getting MASSIVE results in their life and business! They are fulling aligned in their purpose, their passion, and have the profits to show for it.
Now I want to help you build a business and a life that you love.
DEFY Program:
12 month container with coaching and support that enables you to implement and keep the habits that drive results.

DEFY Blueprint
The 7 Step Book Includes: • Mindset Mastery • Business Operating System • Life Operating System• Money Mindset Mastery • 90 Day Calendar • Freedom Model Calendar • Keep Focused 12 Month Calendar • Rituals for Success Worksheet

Video Lessons
Most courses have workbooks or lessons. But we made sure you had both video and workbook lessons in the course for maximum impact.

One-on-one Coaching Calls
Two coaching calls with your growth and success coach in order to reduce your learning curve and bring real results. You can use them whenever you need during the program. This is your opportunity to work with Bunny on real results in the way that is best for you.

Group Coaching Calls
Monthly group coaching calls with your community to keep your accountable and bust through any obstacles. This is your tribe, a group of business owners who are going through Defy together. Receive feedback, support, ideas, resources, and motivation as they share what is working for them, what is not, and you overcome obstacles together. So many great relationships have been formed from these calls!

Access to the private DEFY community platform, consisting of other individuals who have reduced their overwhelm and are now making money while making a difference. This is not your average platform. There is DAILY engagement and accountability designed to support and serve you while showing you others winning to keep you motivated!

Accountability Emails
Each week you will receive an email with the week's resource, focus, a message from Bunny and reminder about the calls and videos. In other words, weekly emails with spot on coaching jammed packed with information and reminders to keep you on track.
The entire DEFY 12 month program, blueprint, group coaching, access to an exclusive communinty
$42,000.00 value
For $1188 a month
Envision what your personal and professional life looks like with more results and less overwhelm.