
Who Is Your Yoda?

What questions do you think Luke asked Yoda about his life and path?

How do I know I’m on the right track?

Who should I turn to for advice and guidance?

How do I know I can trust them? 

How can I avoid kissing a sibling on the lips? 

How many of these questions have you asked yourself in your life? For most of us, the first several questions on that list are very familiar (but hopefully not the last one…).

Like Luke’s Yoda, many great stories have a person (or green creature) who serves as a guide. Th…

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Why Humxn is Not Misspelled

“Great article, and I love your content, but just wanted to let you know there was a typo. You spelled ‘human’ wrong in a few places.”

“If you are going to spell it that way, how would you even pronounce it?!”

These are just two of the many comments we have received since I made the choice in my blogs and posts to spell “humxn” with an x (rather than its formal spelling, “human”)

Why, you ask?

To make a point, of course. And, more importantly, to make you pause for a moment. 

Many of you already know…

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Business Owners: Stop Saying This Now

I have been making a list of all the new COVID-19-related terms all over the media that drive me nuts:
  • “new normal”
  • “unprecedented times” 
  • “back to the way things were”
  • “managing during a conflict”
  • “pivoting your business through a crisis”
I’ll stop while I’m ahead; I am sure you have your own to add, which I would love to see in the comments. (I will soon be writing a book called ‘You Have a Lot Going on…” & Other Useless Phrases Humans Use. I will undoubtedly include the above phra…

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Are Your Tools Helping or Hurting You?

I’ve been riding horses for over three decades. (This will come as no surprise to you if you have read some of my previous blogs or have attended or considered our professional development retreats). 

Even after so many years of riding, I still take regular riding lessons. Most of the time, the lesson is simply a reminder of what I already know. But sometimes, I still need direction and insight. This week, while I was out on a trail ride on my own, something felt horribly off. I just couldn’t get…

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Alexa, You Are Ruining My Life

Does Alexa live at your house? If so, you’re probably talking to her more than you think. For most of us that have this relatively new piece of artificial intelligence in our households, at least one out of our first three conversations every single day are with Alexa. 

That’s kind of scary. But there’s no doubt Alex’s AI makes life simpler in a lot of ways, so maybe it’s worth it. However, Alexa also provides a never-ending stream of connectivity and, therefore, possible distraction.

For example,…

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The Great Pause

Today, my computer froze while trying to record a discussion for our Difference Makers Discussion series. The whole thing literally just shut down, right in the middle of our recording. Just like that.

The two humans, Elea and Adam, who were with me when this happened were incredibly patient and understanding. They even created the space for us to redo the recording. But when it happened, the computer wasn’t the only thing that turned off. I shut down, too. I put down the computer, dropped my pho…

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Commission-Based Coaching

If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you’ve probably heard me say, “Coaching is an investment.” But that doesn’t mean the value of coaching is perceived the same by everyone.  

When I sit down with individual prospective coaching clients, and we get to the part of the conversation where we discuss price, I always ask, “How much do you think the work we will do together is worth?” I’ve found this question stumps most people, probably because most services and products in our world do not operate …

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Hold the Pressure Steady

Every day I spend with horses, I learn how to be a better leader, mother, wife, and person. But sometimes my equine lessons come with very humxn applications.

The sun was setting, and a dusky dimness gathered in the air as night slowly approached. I’d been out riding and just had come upon a tricky little section of the path. The best approach, though a bit precarious, was a fairly steep concrete wash. The horses had been down it before, so I knew it was completely manageable. 

But that evening, W…

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I Am Not Too Busy

NOTE: I started writing this blog in February 2020. It is now April 2020, and so much has changed… but even though I am now sheltering in place away from my office and my team, the message still rings true. So I decided to finish it. Here’s how my “business” got me in trouble.

While reading this article on body language, I found myself stuck on a particular sentence, reading it over and over again:

If I’m always rushing in and out of the office, talking on the phone or checking email, my team memb…

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Want More Energy? Start Set Boundaries

It was 9 AM on Christmas morning when my phone rang. It was my old boss. I knew she had been struggling with her team as well as financially and had been working overtime. Today, Christmas Day, she could not access the computer system at the office. So she called me.

She called me because: 
  1. I have a tiny bit of computer savviness (not the real reason she called), and 
  2. I had always answered her calls and, as soon as I understood there was an issue, had always attempted to find and implement a…

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